Puppy Kindergarten

6-week course for puppies 9-15 weeks of age at start of class.

We want you to have a well-trained – and well-adjusted – puppy, so this first level starts with the socialization that’s so crucial in shaping what kind of dog your puppy will become. Pups will have playtime interrupted by focusing on you, along with exposure to different people, sounds and objects. We also know you want a well-mannered dog, so we cover all the basics, like:

  • Name recognition
  • Sit & down
  • Watch (attention on you)
  • Come when called
  • Handling
  • Exercise and self-control
  • Biting/Mouthiness
  • Housetraining tips
  • Loose-leash walking

First class is a people-only orientation that lasts up to an hour and a half. The following sessions are one hour each.