Games & Tricks Level 1 & 2

Level 1: 5-week course for friendly dogs that have taken Beginning Obedience or Puppy Kindergarten and Puppy Intermediate* – $220

*To take this class, your dog must be comfortable/friendly around other dogs and people, with no aggression or excessive barking. Students from other training facilities must be evaluated. Please call for details.

Have some fun and be the family star! Learn a variety of tricks like crawl, spin, high-five, play dead, roll over, sit pretty, bow, etc. And we’ll play training games that put your distraction training to the test. This is a great class to improve your relationship with your dog. Dogs must enjoy interacting with other dogs and people to take this class.

Level 2: 5-week course for dogs that have taken Susan’s Games & Tricks Level 1

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